Snow drops

March 13th, 2006 § 1 Comment

Taken in South Devon, last weekend. At last, the signs of Spring are starting to show. Whoop!

Yahoo! UI goodness

March 2nd, 2006 Comments Off on Yahoo! UI goodness

When coding websites, there are some problems I come across time and time again – where I generally tend to crtl-c ctrl-v a previous solution into my work. The same goes for user interface tricks – like pagination, breadcrumbs, validation, event handling and DOM manipulation. Now the optimal solutions for all these woes have been bundled together into tested, robust and cross-browser UI libraries and design patterns by the clever people at Yahoo! I’ve spent some time playing with them and I’m impressed. A very shrewd move indeed – get the support of the people building the web and the rest will follow. Or something like that. Yahoo! have been making some rather interesting moves lately, with all their buy outs and what-not. I’d watch them closely, if I were you.

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