whistle while you work

July 26th, 2005 § 2 Comments

These last few days, as I squeeze onto the tube, I reckon I’ve been even less aware of those around me – with my head buried deep into a good book in a vague attempt to block out anxious glances and the blatant headlines. Not exactly vigilant, I know, but there’s so much anxiety beneath our streets at the moment. It’s understandable but we must be careful not to over react. A slight tan invites more attention than usual but carry a rucksack and you are asking for it. Apparently. So I was pleased to see a friend at work growing a beard in an act of defiance. Particularly considering he has dark skin and carries a rucksack to work. Maybe a nice weekend in the country would make him see sense. According to the press, John Prescott has been rafting in Wales recently too. I just hope he isn’t late for work one morning and has to run to catch his train. Especially at Notting Hill Gate.

Sussex cornfields

July 19th, 2005 Comments Off on Sussex cornfields

I like england in the summer.

Nervous tension

July 11th, 2005 Comments Off on Nervous tension

Driving through the east end and financial centre of London, on our way back from a beautiful weekend in Cambridge, was a little edgey last night. Road closures forced traffic down narrow back streets as police stood impassively at every corner, while locals and meandering sunday night revellers picked their way through the congestion. An unsaid thought evident in the expressions of drivers and pedestrians alike – “had there been another?”. Everyone is getting on with their lives, as you do, but the reality of the ever present threat in London has been brought home and people certainly seem more aware now, what ever the headlines say about it being “business as usual”.
Anyway – I’d like to take you This Way Please for a far more eloquent take on things.

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