critical mass time

May 26th, 2004 Comments Off on critical mass time

summer is here. it’s time to get on that bike again. critical mass every last friday of the month 🙂

chomsky – knowledge is power

May 22nd, 2004 Comments Off on chomsky – knowledge is power

i went to see noam chomsky talk on “Simple Truths, Hard Choices: Some Thoughts on Terror, Justice and Self-Defence” the other evening. hmm. not sure what i was expecting to hear. these sorts of issues seem to be at the forefront of peoples minds these days – with everybody bringing the subject up, whether over a beer in the pub or a picnic in the park. it’s all good and well to rant about how imbalanced power and wealth is in the world but it strikes me that a point is being missed when it becomes a “philosophical topic”. especially when that philosophising is held in the lecture halls of western universities, predominantly in the english language.

noam chomsky wouldn’t be there talking to the masses if it wasn’t for this power imbalance. we wouldn’t have been able to visit the lecture in such comfort if it wasn’t for this power imbalance. knowledge is power – and universities do well to share it with those who will recipricate the power favour by choosing english to communicate. oh look – i’m doing it myself 🙂

anyway – i left the lecture thinking that we can talk all we like saying “something must be done” but surely the consequences of such action would have to mean the west loses its grip on power and wealth in the world? maybe that would be a good thing but it would mean a very different daily reality for the people that are currently going about telling others how bad it all is.

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